Recent Faculty Publications

Check out some of our faculty’s recent publications! Professors Daniel Smyth, Ulrich Plass, Gabrielle Ponce-Hegenauer, and Charles Barber have all worked on books that were published within the past year (or so)!

Applications Now Being Accepted!

The Khachig Tölölyan Fund supports a monetary prize for second-semester juniors to be used to buy the successful applicant some free time in the summer before senior year to start research on Honors theses on particular topics more fully described here:

Applications are due by 5:00 pm on Friday, April 7, 2023, and consists of:

  1. A proposal for or description of a senior thesis, 1,000-1,500 words in length.
  2. An informal academic transcript.
  3. Two letters of recommendation from Wesleyan faculty, one of whom must be the probable supervisor of the Honors thesis. If the supervisor has not yet been determined, two letters from instructors familiar with the student’s work in fields relevant to the project will suffice.

A form for uploading your documents is available on the COL web page (listed above).

If you have any questions, please email

Congratulations, COL Class of 2020!

Congratulations to our seniors, who just graduated (pictured from top left): Arnaav Bhavanani, Marie Boussard, Camille Britton, Nell Buechler, Sasha Linden-Cohen, Sonja English, Yeti Kang, Brooke Kushwaha, Audrey Lam, Jessica Mason, Scott Walkinshaw, Melissa Thornton,  Livia Wallick, Binxin Wang, Miriam Zenilman

The College of Letters is thrilled to graduate such a talented group of students.

The Covid-19 pandemic has made this a most trying time to graduate from college. Here are some of the next steps graduating seniors are taking:

Sonja English will be moving to Washington DC to work as a Management Consultant. Over the summer, she plans to continue writing at home in Malaysia and volunteer at a food bank – Brooke Kushwaha is living in Houston, TX and recently accepted a remote position at 617 Media Group, a Boston marketing firm specializing in labor communications – Jessica Mason was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, moved to Washington, DC, and is seeking work in the communications and advocacy sector – Yeti Kang will join the MA program in the Divinity School at the University of Chicago – Binxin Wang will enter Columbia University’s Post-baccalaureate Premedical Program – Scott Walkinshaw received a two-year study grant from the DAAD and will pursue an MA in comparative literature at the University of Konstanz, Germany – Miri Zenilman will pursue an MFA in Film and Television Production at the USC School of Cinematic Arts